Advertisements and procurements

Procurement plans

Information on procurements in compliance with the requirements of Article 22 of the SPSIL in 2022: In 2022, SIA “Rīgas acs” does not plan procurements that exceed the threshold specified in Section 15 of the Public Service Providers Procurement Law.

Procurements and auctions  Offer submission date Decision date
Procurement procedure “On the supply of informative screens”  11.09.2020  06.10.2020
Procurement procedure “On the provision of property insurance services of SIA “Rīgas acs”” 07.08.2020 31.08.2020
Written auction  “On advertisement transmission rights on screens installed in public transport of SIA “Rīgas satiksme”” 03.07.2020 13.07.2020
Procurement plans

Information on procurements in compliance with the requirements of Article 22 of the SPSIL in 2022: In 2022, SIA “Rīgas acs” does not plan procurements that exceed the threshold specified in Section 15 of the Public Service Providers Procurement Law.

Iepirkumi un izsoles  Piedāvājuma iesniegšanas datums Lēmuma pieņemšanas datums
Iepirkuma procedūra “Par informatīvo ekrānu piegādi”  11.09.2020  
Iepirkuma procedūra “Par SIA “Rīgas acs” īpašuma apdrošināšanas pakalpojumu sniegšanu” 07.08.2020 31.08.2020
Rakstiska izsole  “Par reklāmas pārraidīšanas tiesībām RP SIA “Rīgas satiksme” sabiedriskā transporta līdzekļos uzstādītajos monitoros” 03.07.2020 13.07.2020